Saturday, January 22, 2005

Our favoritest songs

Mr. Hallas
Written by Kate Bartlett and Dylan Travers
(to the tune of Camp-Town Races or w/e it's called)

Mr. Hallas has a phallus
doo dah, doo dah
Mr. Hallas has a phallus
oh dah doo dah day
He uses it by day
He uses it by night
Oh Mr. Hallas has a phallus
and he uses it on his wife, OH! (repeat)

My Oh Me
by Dylan Travers
(original melody)

My oh me, can't you see?
Sarah's fucking with a chimpanzee!

The Gimpy Hex
by Keenan Hallas and Dylan Travers
(tuneless and ominous, and while jumping on one foot in a circle)

Gimpy the one legged elf (clap)
Gimpy the one legged elf (blow magical dust in enemy's face)
(repeat as neccesarry)


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