Friday, December 24, 2004

Well there's always 12/25/05

Keenan: What if for christmas you didn't have any presants under the tree so you're like "Where are my presants!?" and your parents point outside at a new car so you run out to it and there's a guy sitting in the dirver's seat and you're like "Hey! Get out of my car!" and the guys like "oh this is just a delivery car and i'm the driver! Your presant's in the trunk!" so you go around to the trunk and he pops the trunk and this ballon floats out and it says "Merry Christmas" on it and it starts to float away, but then a bird runs into it and pops it, but it breaks the birds neck, so the bird falls out of the sky and you're step dad is waiting there with an open cage and the dead bird falls into it and then he closes the door on the cage and hands it to you with the dead bird in it and your parents are like "Merry Christmas!"


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