Monday, January 31, 2005

Don't worry, it's already clear as crystal

A String Theory website: Another important development due to Vafa[10] (called F theory) has made it possible to construct large new classes of non-perturbative vacua of Type IIB superstrings. For a somewhat more technical discussion of these recent developments I recommend ref[11].

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Just can't get enough of this guy

In the middle of science class
Belenkey: Sepperoni and cheese.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

From good old Seppi/Sweppi/Seppster

Seppi: I think we should all get together and work on things as a team!
Dr. Finseth: You're a sicko!

Seppi: You know I just realized: isn't it funny that every single revolution we talk about in this class... relates to politics?!

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Our favoritest songs

Mr. Hallas
Written by Kate Bartlett and Dylan Travers
(to the tune of Camp-Town Races or w/e it's called)

Mr. Hallas has a phallus
doo dah, doo dah
Mr. Hallas has a phallus
oh dah doo dah day
He uses it by day
He uses it by night
Oh Mr. Hallas has a phallus
and he uses it on his wife, OH! (repeat)

My Oh Me
by Dylan Travers
(original melody)

My oh me, can't you see?
Sarah's fucking with a chimpanzee!

The Gimpy Hex
by Keenan Hallas and Dylan Travers
(tuneless and ominous, and while jumping on one foot in a circle)

Gimpy the one legged elf (clap)
Gimpy the one legged elf (blow magical dust in enemy's face)
(repeat as neccesarry)


Katie's Friend: katies having a delema
Me: what kind of delema?
Katie's Friend: she has entangled herself with a giant rope of sexi pearls

Friday, January 21, 2005

we all hope...

After over 20 minutes of not saying anything...
Kate: my dad sounds like hes coughing up blood!
Me: hahahha I bet he is!!

the secret is out

Keenan after doing tricks with his diablo and his strings suddenly get tangled in an impossible way.
Me: Woah, how did they get tangled like that? That's, like, impossible!
Keenan: Ooops i used my magic!!

(a diablo is one of those juggling things that look like yoyos being balanced on a string)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

"It wasn't cotton candy like that man said... my stomach itches..."

Kate: I am sooo depressed...I think I am going to go to Lowes and buy some fiberglass and inhale it for fun!

that wasn't what the good Dr. King wanted

Following the Martin Luther King, Jr. performance:
Me: It'd be funny if they passed around popcorn

Saturday, January 15, 2005

I'd love to have that opperation

Me: Is he imagining her talking to him or is she like telepathically doing it or something
Michael: She implanted shit into his brain

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Nice little collection

Mrs. Albrecht: "I'm gonna call this 'Tale of 2 Wars'... cause I'm stupid!"

Mrs. Albrecht: "You want all of the lights out?"
Class: "Yes!"
(Mrs. Albrecht turns off lights)
Belenkey: "Hello darkness, my old friend."

Dr. Finseth: "So while gravity pulls down, buoyancy pushes up"
Belenkey: "Oh, that's why turtles are cool."