Friday, December 24, 2004

Well there's always 12/25/05

Keenan: What if for christmas you didn't have any presants under the tree so you're like "Where are my presants!?" and your parents point outside at a new car so you run out to it and there's a guy sitting in the dirver's seat and you're like "Hey! Get out of my car!" and the guys like "oh this is just a delivery car and i'm the driver! Your presant's in the trunk!" so you go around to the trunk and he pops the trunk and this ballon floats out and it says "Merry Christmas" on it and it starts to float away, but then a bird runs into it and pops it, but it breaks the birds neck, so the bird falls out of the sky and you're step dad is waiting there with an open cage and the dead bird falls into it and then he closes the door on the cage and hands it to you with the dead bird in it and your parents are like "Merry Christmas!"

From the man who would do that much for a rock that bounces

Keenan: lol i just thought of a really cool toy. You get like a spherical mold that can handle a ton of heat and you pour lava into it till it's half full and then rubber into it till it's all the way full and then you mix it up and let it cool and you get a bouncy rock

every single line here was typed ALL AT ONCE!...

Me: Crap I was gonna tell you something like 7 hours ago but I can't remember what it was
Kate: Uh?
Kate: lol ok
Me: oh sorr
Kate: Why a new SN
Me: this is Dylan
Kate: like every other day
Me: oh yeah I told youj
Kate: lol
Me: lol
Kate: eh?
Me: cuz
Kate: told me?
Kate: EHHH

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Don't you just love it when your fingers become sentient?

Keenan: why don't you buy skies
Me: huh?
Keenan: SKIES
Keenan: jjjjjjjjjjjj
Me: lol skis
Keenan: oop shtta's skies
Me: wtf's going on here?

Sunday, December 19, 2004


talking about my mom
: she needs to get off her power trip

Friday, December 17, 2004

Wise words... he'll be on a bumpersticker some day

Keenan: There are 10 types of people in this world. People who understand binary, and people who don't.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Well... she kinda made me... but whatever

Kate: "Nothing like curling up on a swivel chair with a jones soda and a japanese porn story"

There was a weirder one, I'll post it later

Mrs. Teese's comment on my English paper: "I'd like to see more of your nervouse 'twitching' self here. Why does someone like you go to such a party? What was your real reaction to seeing 'Her' - can you describe her? Why do you think you were invited in the first place? What was the band playing?
So many questions
but this is a great start."

Well he IS from Louisiana...

Tyler: "Ah' reckon youz gotz PURDY NIPPLES!"

1st quote ever

My mom casually walks into the computer room.
"This room smells like a fart."


Hello, my name is Big Boo or Dylan. The first of which is inspired by the phantasmagoric enemy of the ever-popular Super Mario World game for the SNES. The latter is my birthname, but I don't like it all that much because it confuses people. This site (M-Quotes, meaning Miscellaneous Quotes) is for posting any random quotes that you happen to hear throughout the day. This was inspired by this site. Have fun.