Friday, May 20, 2005

Things taken out of context rule

*Keenan*: i felt like playing something bloody for free


*Keenan*: you can shoot off peoples' hands
*Keenan*: maybe even fingers

Sunday, May 15, 2005

catching up on quotes

(In Chem class, talking about how the sugar in Pop-Tarts comes from sugar beets)
Belenkey: "Hah! Pop-Tart trees."

(then for no reason)
Belenkey: "You're a chicken broth..."

(Talking about hair dye in French Class)
Anna: "I've never been black..."

(Last night on the way to see Hitchhiker's Guide)
Dad: "Oh, Mitchell... was he one of the... Buzzcocks..."
Me: "Buzz Poets?"
Dad: "Yeah, was he one of the people at the Buzz Poets concert?"

Thursday, May 05, 2005


History Class.
: "What pages?"
Seppi: "951 to 960."
Kyung: "I can't understand a word you're saying."
Seppi: "951 to 960."
Kyung: "I can't understand--"
Seppi: "951 to--"
Kyung: "MR. PIGGY!!"

Math Class.
Margaret: "How do you know when an angle's ambiguous?"
Mrs. Bon: "When it's an A.S.S."

Outside of Class.
Alysa: (running through the halls) "It's a whale! And a dolphin! It's a wolphin!"
(Wolphins was the subject of a quote a couple of posts ago.)