Saturday, April 30, 2005

Two random people with two random quotes

Sonya: "Hng! Ng'm Mngchngl D'Ngmnglngngw!!"
Impersonating Michael D'Emilio by only making an "ng" sound while mouthing with her lips.

Sonya: "Couldn't you just imagine Seppi flying through the halls?"

B Chorus: "Glory's in the air."
Mrs. Holmes: "Hang on, guys? This is exciting! 'Glory's in the air!'"
Jamie: "Sounds more like BORING is in the air!..."

Mrs. Holmes: "The computer's not turning on because the powerstrip's not working..."
Bobby: "What's a powerstrip?"
Jamie: "It's like power-walking but instead you're taking off your clothes for excercise."

Sunday, April 17, 2005

*Kate*: lol wolphins are like negro dolphins of the sea

Friday, April 15, 2005

My favorite of the year just from it's sheer innocence

At the Sophomore class meeting:
Mrs. Albrecht: We're doing a plant sale at Spring Fling and it's gonna rock!
Tyler: Hah ha, no pun intended!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Nothing like sticking your dick in some type of polymer filled with oxygen and other gases

Michael's advisory playing Scruples:
Michael: While you are browsing in an "adult store," you see one of your co-workers (under his breath: "Dr. Naragon") buying a large inflatable woman. Do you tell your co-workers?"
Mrs. Maguire: Hell yes!
Rest of class: I don't think it would be Dr. Naragon buying that, but probably Finseth.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Vin Diesel goes on a whaling expedition

At the movies, deciding what to do if we take to long to eat our Panera sandwiches:
Chris: Well, there's nothing else we could see.
Dan: I dunno, we could see "The Pacificer"
Me: .... I think you mean "The Pacifier"