Friday, December 21, 2012

y hello thar mQuotes. how haz ur last 6 yers ben?

"Day 294: I have the feeling this horse will be different. This is the one to break the trend and make all my struggles worth it. It's been five days and the horse is still rabies free. To reflect my hope, I've decided to forgo the number naming system I've developed and name this horse Blanch. My fingers will remain crossed. I feel that a new dawn is soon to be seen by all humanity.

Day 297: Blanch has turned out to be an utter disappointment. I will return to the number naming system come tomorrow. The hermetically sealed cyanide pills on my shelf become ever more tempting. God give me strength"

Monday, January 02, 2006

long time no post

A while ago, at the lower school Halloween parade:
Michael: (looking at 8th grader with kindergarten buddy walking by) Is that a boy or a girl? That's a pretty skimpy outfit for a guy... Not too bad looking if it's a girl though.
Me: Michael, that's Nikolai's little brother...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The curse of the Secor is upon us

i PWNT Mario: were our graphs supposed to be Trials on the X axis and % change on the y?
i PWNT Mario: or Trials and Grams?
i PWNT Mario: lol "uhh, Kate? You there?" (finds dead body on ground due to bio-studying overload)
NozomiWhiteWolf: haha
NozomiWhiteWolf: yes yes I was only away for like 1.344444 repeating mins!
i PWNT Mario: haha
NozomiWhiteWolf: lol funny
i PWNT Mario: damn repeating numbers
NozomiWhiteWolf: sometimes I ask u stuff too and ur away and Im like BAAAH and by the time u get back I forgot bout it
i PWNT Mario: haha yeah sorry, I take hiatuses a lot on AIM
NozomiWhiteWolf: ok so
NozomiWhiteWolf direct connection is closed.
NozomiWhiteWolf signed off at 11:39:04 PM.
i PWNT Mario: hahahha wtf
Previous message was not received by NozomiWhiteWolf because of error: User NozomiWhiteWolf is not available.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

lol late night conversations at my house

Keenan: I wish our friends were normal... well not normal, but not fuckers.

(about certain individuals with bad skin)
Keenan: I mean, for god's sake, get some cream or something!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Gonna edit if I remember, gotta add kyung-on-vicodin quotes

Compy147: lol he always talks about nasty stuff
Compy147: he's like "So the other day i was thinking about a guy fucking a horse wearing a clown outfit..." and it's just like "LOUIS! SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

oh... my... god...

red shYguY504: ok just gotta add like 2 things to this ginormous chart
jewfoundglory327: ok good
red shYguY504: NOOOOOOO FUCKING WAYYYYYYYY OOOOOH MY GOOOD it seriously just crashed, I know that must sound like I'm lying but I'm completley serious, if that didn't save and say "you were working on this, do you wanna recover blahblah" I'm gonna throw my computer out the window
red shYguY504: oh god it's safe
red shYguY504: that was horrible
jewfoundglory327: yes i bet
red shYguY504 wants to directly connect.
jewfoundglory327 is now directly connected.
jewfoundglory327: ok
red shYguY504: [word file]
jewfoundglory327: it doesnt turn out right
red shYguY504: I had to make it be landscape instead of portrait
jewfoundglory327: nothings in the boxes
red shYguY504: ummm ok I'll try saving it as something else
red shYguY504: is it still landscape?
jewfoundglory327: i dunno?
red shYguY504: hopefully rtf supports tables...
red shYguY504: [rtf file]
jewfoundglory327: still all weird
red shYguY504: ugh
red shYguY504: weird
red shYguY504: and unlucky
red shYguY504: umm
red shYguY504: I could take a screen shot and you could redo it, but it's kinda insane
jewfoundglory327: ok thats fine
red shYguY504: [image of seriously ginormous chart]
jewfoundglory327: oh christ
jewfoundglory327: can you gmail that picture to me?
red shYguY504: lol sure
red shYguY504: oh my GOD, gmail just made FIREFOX crash, this is not my day!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

This place is pretty dormant lately

*Keenan*: whenever i'm typing something that i think has a chance to be quotes, i'll make sure i use really good grammar
*Keenan*: *quoted
*Keenan*: so when someone copies and pastes it, it'll be all nice and correct

Haahaa, DIDN'T WORK THIS TIME!!!!!...